PC backup software
PC backup space
Server software
Local servers
Remote mass storage
Dedicated servers
Integrated solutions

Buy our rsync/ssh technology
in custom-built local servers ready
for immediate server and client archiving use

Our rsync/ssh server technology can also be purchased as ready-to-use servers for use on your premises. In many instances, a local second copy of data is sufficient for low value data, such as the bulk of data on personal computers. Even a local backup can protect PCs against such mundane problems as viruses and hardware crashes. More importantly, data on a local net can often be restored immensely faster than that on the Internet. Local servers let people take care of the mundane easily and at ultra-low cost, and then allows either automated export or media archiving of critical data, or both.

Because of hard links and our rotation set concepts, one of our 120gb servers can have the same effectiveness as a 1.2tb tape store. More importantly, it backs up current data in a tiny fraction of the time required by normal "copy" processes. Most importantly, it can be fully automated, because there does not need to be someone present to fiddle with the tapes.

Strong data safety and security
All data is transferred using high-strength encryption
Safe. Firewalled for rsync/ssh use only
Rotation set preserves multiple saves
All sets are accessible by you
Easy to use
Uses industry standard rsync
Suitable for archiving Linux, UNIX, and Windows servers
Suitable for client PC backup
Suitable for both system mirroring and virtual tapes
Pre-installed and ready to use
Automatable with cron or end-of-day processes
Automated daily report
Interfaces with our Internet accessible servers
DVD burner option with up to 30gb of
effective storage per disk
Stunningly FAST
Stunningly efficient
Hard links can increase effective storage by 10x or more
Buy or get a quote
for a local archiving server

The prices shown here are retail. If you intend to
resell our systems and services, or will produce a
saleable Internet service based upon our products,
you may be entitled to substantial discounts.

If you have questions, please
call us toll free at 800-470-2756