PC backup software
PC backup space
Server software
Local servers
Remote mass storage
Dedicated servers
Integrated solutions

Take total control
with your own dedicated server
for as little as $125/month

Our dedicated servers solutions give you total control, even to the extent of power cycling your own server. But more importantly, they are part of an integrated system of of high-reliability services, technologies, and support that you can pick and choose from to produce the right mix for you. Whether you need low cost and basic service, or mission-critical multiply-redundant-integrated solutions, our dedicated systems solutions will meet your needs.

Total control of your environment
Power recycling
Network boot
Your choice of Linux or Windows 2003
Custom-sized to your needs
Reliable "computing systems," not just computers
Choice of primary system location
Local and remote backup-data stores
Local and remote mirrored systems
Enhanced connection-reliability systems
Far more reliable than do-it-yourself
Robust infrastucture
Reduced software failure downtimes
Repair times reduced to minutes from days
Automated archiving prevents data loss
Mirroring permits immediate cutover
Hacker protection
From just $125 a month
AMD Athalon 2200
256mb ram
40gb disk drive
250gb transfer
Custom built to your needs
Dual Xeon available
Large drive arrays available
SCSI 15k available
Massive RAM available
7x24 telephone support included
System support included
Applications support available
Administrative services available
  30 day money-back guarantee  

The prices shown here are retail. If you intend to
resell our systems and services, or will produce a
saleable Internet service based upon our products,
you may be entitled to substantial discounts.

If you have questions, please
call us toll free at 800-470-2756