Corporate e-mail
In-house e-mail
A la carte hosting
Mirrored Web
100% redundant
Remote mirroring
MultiPathing important
Configuration flexibility
Archived daily
Why no PHP4?
Website developer
$9.95 domains
Total Configuration Flexibility

EasyCo mirrored web hosting lacks the constraints others place on what you can do.

Unlimited Domains and Sub-domains

Our configuration tool lets you point as many domains, and sub-domains, as you want at a given file system. Each domain can point to a different part of the file system, or can be a synonym for an existing domain. When the system sets up a domain for you, you get both the primary and www variants. Thus a domain such as has itself and A sub-domain such as also gets the variant automatically.

Unlimited rsync and FTP
mountpoints and users

Our web configuration environment lets you configure all the user maintenance points you want, each with its own separate login name and password. This allows multiple users to maintain different parts of a single web site or to administer separate web sites all within the same environment. Each mountpoint is configured to accept both regular FTP input as well as secure rsync input. These mountpoints can also be used for non-web purposes.

A totally painless
Advanced Management Console

All the above features come without pain due to our point-and-click web application that shows you your file tree and lets you mount domains, sub-domains, and upload points at anywhere on the tree in WYSIWYG fashion. Our program automatically checks you as you go and rebuilds your DNS and Apache nodes for you in real time.