PC backup software
PC backup space
Server software
Local servers
Remote mass storage
Dedicated servers
Integrated solutions

Internet accessible dedicated
rsync/ssh, ftp, and sftp archiving mass storage
as low as $1.56/gb-month

Do you have a backup problem? Our data-center-based archiving servers can start remote-protecting your servers today at ultra-low cost.

Strong data safety and security
All data transferred using high-strength encryption
Safe. Externally firewalled for archiving use only
Your own system with root control and reboot capabilities
All data safely stored in the USA
Choice of storage location
Easy to use
Uses industry standard rsync, FTP, and SFTP
Suitable for archiving Linux, UNIX, and Windows servers
Suitable for both server mirroring and virtual tapes
Works with EasySave PC backup software
Downloadable software installs in minutes.
Automatable with cron or end-of-day processes
User selectable rotation set preserves multiple saves
No limits to the number of source PCs or servers
Automated daily report
Stunningly FAST
Stunningly efficient and FAST
100mbit pipes
Data compression reduces transfer times
Comparison technologies reduce duplicate data transmission
Hard links can increase effective storage by 10x or more

Administrator phone support included


30 Day money-back guarantee

Buy or get a quote for
Data Center Archiving Servers

The prices shown here are retail. If you intend to
resell our systems and services, or will produce a
saleable Internet service based upon our products,
you may be entitled to substantial discounts.

If you have questions, please
call us toll free at 800-470-2756