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E-mail/web service

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Virus and spam e-mail filtering

Virus and spam filtering is included as a standard feature for all of our MultiPath and Mirrored grade products.

The reason for this is simply that if you are running a commercial service, you are eventually going to want to import and process e-mails within it, and you will need to be certain that they are virus cleansed before importation.

The commercial reasoning spelled out, the more important thing is that until you have a commercial use, you can enjoy the dramatic benefits of virus and spam filtering. The first of these is piece of mind -- knowing, for instance, that if someone is legitimately sending you a word or XML document it has been checked out for viruses before you get it. The second is timesaving, because your spam becomes more easily identifiable, and ignorable.

Systems with bundled virus- and spam-filtering include an allotment for filtering the first 100mb of e-mails you receive in any month. After that first 100mb, the charge is $1 per 25mb of mail filtered (about 2,500 to 3,000 typical e-mail messages).