Corporate e-mail
In-house e-mail
A la carte hosting
Mirrored Web
Website developer
E-mail support
Telephone support
7x24 support
$9.95 domains
Support program options

The single largest variable in providing service to you is the method by which you are supported.

We offer three support plans for our products ... e-mail support for those who are most budget conscious and skilled, normal business hours phone support for those working during the business day, and 7x24 phone access for those who want the convenience of calling even if they are working nights and weekends.

We would like to point out that when we talk about support, we are talking about just that. The redundancy built into our system keeps it going. This means that when you contact us, it will most likely be for eiither for assistance in making something new happen, or -- if you are unable to get thru -- due to a problem caused by your local Internet provider. Thus, your support decisions should be based on your working habits and the amount and swiftness with which you need answers to your questions.