PC backup software
PC backup space
Server software
Local servers
Remote mass storage
Dedicated servers
Integrated solutions

Archive your Windows PC painlessly
for just 22 cents a day with EasyOffSite

Most people avoid backing up their data because they don't want to consume the time needed to backup.

We have a better solution -- electronic backup over the Internet to a secure, remote data store.

Backup to physical media, such as CD-roms or zip-drives, requires a physical presence. You have to put the media in, and take it out.

Electronic backup is, at most, a couple of mouse-clicks. But most people program it to auto-start at a certain time of day, every day, when they are away from their PC.

More importantly, electronic backup gets your data out of your house or office, protecting your data not only against PC crashes and virus attacks, but also against

EasyOffSite protects you against personal disasters
Free copy of EasySave Professional software included
Click here to learn more about EasySave
Strong data safety and security
Data can be stored in encrypted form
All data is stored on Raid drives, to prevent data loss
All data safely stored in the USA
Choice of storage locations
Easy to use
Downloadable software installs in minutes.
Intuitive configuration.
Automatic or single-button start
Stunningly FAST saves
Rapid, painless restores

Phone support included


30 Day money-back guarantee

Personal PC backup service with
2 gigabytes of remote storage

+ free setup
+free software

Additional gigabytes of storage $29/year
Buy or get an estimate for
EasyOffSite PC archiving service
If you have questions, please
call us toll free at 800-470-2756