Corporate e-mail
In-house e-mail
A la carte hosting
$9.95 domains

Bomb-proofing your in-house
e-mail system with managed service

Your mail system can use bomb-proof e-mail technology even if your principal mail server(s) need to be on your premises. We can provide you with one of our pre-configured e-mail servers, ready to plug in. We perform all of the system-level setup and management of this server, and provide a replacement server, or appropriate parts when it breaks.

Given that our server has the same effective costs as most people incur in installing and maintaining their own in-house e-mail servers, the most compelling arguement for our service, other than inherent reliability, is the knowledge that there is a single responsibility for all aspects of e-mail service. Let's consider what this means.

Does your current mail server check for virus updates hourly? Ours does. Does it update virus changes automatically? Ours does. Do you know who is responsible for paying for the virus software licenses? In our system, we do. Do you have someone responsible for updating your spam filters? In our system, we are responsible. Is someone responsible for checking and patching against exploits? In our system, we are. Is someone responsible for regularly checking the health and saftey of all mail servers? In our system, we are responsible, and check it daily. Who do you call when things seem to break? In our system it is always us -- 7x24.

In-house bomb-proof e-mail service
Second server in either Philadelphia
or Los Angeles data center
You keep going even if your mail server goes down
Real-time transaction logged - no data loss
Your data protected long term
Virus and Spam Filtered
Unlimited Mailboxes / Forwards
No limit on mailbox size
Message size up to 20 Megabytes
POP3 / IMAP / full featured WebMail Support
The convenience of single-responsibility
We check/update virus filters hourly
We update spam filters when new versions are available
We protect the server against attack
We manage the service
We replace any broken parts
  7x24 telephone support  

30 Day money-back guarantee

per month
Incoming E-mail
per month
as e-mails
per day
5gb 150,000 5,000 $200
10gb 300,000 10,000 $300
20gb 600,000 20,000 $400
40gb 1,200,000 40,000 $600
80gb No limit* No limit* $1,000
Dual-server solution** $750
* The server on user's premises must be designated the primary MX server. Due to the CPU-intensiveness of both virus and spam scanning, practical throughput per server will not be much more than 2.4 million messages a month. If your needs exceed this, contact us for custom-built servers or server-arrays.
** User must have a primary and secondary data center. This service is server-management only. This system is not as intrinsically reliable as our single-server or service solutions because the latter include a nightly archive of data to at least a third server as a general data protection layer.
Billing is based upon the greater consumption number: storage or incoming e-mails. If allotment is exceeded, the next highest level is billed.
If you have questions, please
call us toll free at 800-470-2756