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5x DNS service

Our DNS service runs on five different servers in two different places using five different backbone segments. What this means is that it keeps running even if your server crashes, rather than possibly interfering with service as is common in some scenarios.

What is more important, though is twofold:

If you use it, you are saved the time of having to set up such a service yourself, as well as the complexities of having to maintain it, and patch it if there are new classes of hacker assaults.
The web-based application is simple to use, unlike traditional DNS configuration, which can be difficult to comprehend.

Your internal system sub-domain, as well as your first public domain run through our servers as part of this product is free. This includes a www. variant, as well as base-variant for web access, as well as mail. variant for access to your POP/IMAP mail servers, and a couple of other defaults. Additional domains and sub-domains are billed at the rate of $1 per entry per month.