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Magnetic-tape server archiving is so '70s
Virtual saves via rsync are safer
and require less work with rsyncBackup

Everyone has their horror story about magnetic tape sub-systems. While operator error or negligence is a common problem, poor storage, kitchen magnets, overuse of worn out tapes, and failure to report broken drives are also frequent causes.

You can get rid of a great deal of human and mechanical error (and save a lot of man-hours) by switching to virtual archiving. Virtual archiving copies your system (or file-save) directly to another disk-drive somewhere else.

Strong data safety and security
High-strength communications encryption supported
Suitable for HIPPA
Rotation set preserves multiple saves
Easy to use
Industry standard rsync
No proprietary software on your server
Suitable for archiving Linux, UNIX, and Windows servers
Suitable for both system mirroring and virtual tapes
Downloadable client software installs in minutes.
Automatable with cron or end-of-day processes
Automated daily report
Stunningly FAST
Highly efficient
Rsync compresses transmitted data
Rotation set hard links prevent data duplication
Support included
Buy or get a quote for
rsyncBackup server archiving software

The prices shown here are retail. If you intend to
resell our systems and services, or will produce a
saleable Internet service based upon our products,
you may be entitled to substantial discounts.

If you have questions, please
call us toll free at 800-470-2756