Corporate e-mail
In-house e-mail
A la carte hosting
Mirrored Web
100% redundant
Remote mirroring
MultiPathing important
Configuration flexibility
Archived daily
Why no PHP4?
Website developer
$9.95 domains
Historical archiving creates
tamper and error resistance

When you use EasyCo mirrored systems, your data is intrinsically preserved in two places. For an added layer of protection, your file system will be electronically archived nightly in both places. We will keep, and make available to you, the read-only copies of the last two nights, and last two end-of-weeks. As these time-stamped copies are part of your file-system, a few mouse-clicks at our administration application makes them instantly available to you.

You might think that our archiving process consumes a great deal of extra space. In fact, rsync and FTP only create a separate physical copy of a document if that document actually does change. Otherwise, all they do is create a link to the document in the historical archive list. Changed linkages only occur when a changed version occurs. Thus separate physical copies only occur when change happens. Thus, for instance, if someone were to get your passwords and deface your site, the mere process of their loading new content physically separates old content from new. Our 10 copies probably are overkill, but they protect you if you don't get around to spotting errors or problems for weeks or months.

For any given day, the archiving process will consume only the space consumed by changed files plus a small amount to reference the file name and size of all files. Per archive cycle, typically less than 3% of the original space is required to preserve the archive version because most web site file systems change infrequently.