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We run Linux, not BSD

There are a large number of virtual server providers who deliver virtual system service based upon BSD. BSD is a very useful sparse resource system. However, virtualized BSD has the following limits that Linux does not have.

1. Many tools and applications are not designed to run on free BSD. For instance, many databases support a Linux variant, but do not have support for a BSD variant.

The BSD approach does not give you real root access. As a result, it is not possible to do things like configure fire walls, insert specialized versions of Perl, or make similar customizations. Our Linux approach gives you real root access, and your own copy of the operating system, which you can modify through the installation of any packages and package upgrades you want to install.

3. BSD servers are frequently over-committed. For instance, in many such offerings, reference is made to memory, which is often 80% or 90% swap space. Our approach gives you not just memory, but an explicit amount of RAM and swap space, as well as a committed proportion of any machine. This gives you practical performance, rather than only performance when no one else is doing anything.

The core point is that with a Linux machine, whether physical or virtual, you can do pretty much anything you want to do.