Corporate e-mail
In-house e-mail
A la carte hosting
Mirrored Web
100% redundant
Remote mirroring
MultiPathing important
Configuration flexibility
Archived daily
Why no PHP4?
Website developer
$9.95 domains

Why this service does not include
PHP4, cgi-bin, mySQL, etc.

If you need dynamic systems components, we recommend that you look at our private application server solutions at our sister-site: These solutions cost as little as $25 a month. More importantly, they deliver the security, control, and root privileges of a virtual system, as well as delivering more disk space, and our multipathed communications technologies for improved communications reliability.

Many hosters tout the advantages of their including PHP, Perl, cgi, and mySQL in their basic low-cost services. Some lately have also started touting that they will provide you with both SSH (and horror-of-horrors, unencrypted) Telnet access. Our mirrored web and e-mail hosting services do not provide you any of these dynamic hosting capabilities for several reasons: your security, the absence of need in the vast majority of cases, performance, and fundamental inconsistency with the multi-machine mirroring process.

99% (or more) of sites do not
use server-side programs

If you look at a lot of web sites, you will see that only a tiny percentage will use server side programs. They may include client-side programs such as automatically generated Java script, or flash, but they will not have server-side components. How can you tell? Look for pages that have "submit" buttons or input boxes on them. Only pages with these elements, and only in some instances, can reasonably have server-side programs, because it is also possible to write Java or Java-script elements that will collect data and auto-e-mail it.

Can you write computer programs?

If you don't know how to write computer programs, you will not be able to take advantage of components such as Perl, unless someone has provided you a canned application such as an e-commerce solution. Simply trying to use prepackaged applets can be dangerous, because such products may have security exploits that lead to consumption of immense amounts of resources.

The security problem of programs

The simple fact is this: if someone can write a computer program, they can do almost anything, either with intentional malevolence, or through error or stupidity. Similarly, we believe that giving users SSH access simply makes it easier for them to do something wrong. We really get shocked when we see people who promise Telnet access for $5 and $10 sites, because Telnet passwords can be sniffed ... a real problem if you have either cable access or a wireless network, but a problem elsewhere as well.

Our simple answer is that if you need dynamic capabilities, you should buy our virtual systems, where we make enough money to be able to afford to protect you from your neighbors, and your neighbors from mistakes you might make.

The performance problem of programs

A typical web server with good performance will have 300 to 400 web sites. (There are some low-end companies that will put thousands of users on an individual server). While static page web hosting can efficiently handle immense numbers of parallel web sites on a single server, a single user with dynamic programs can drag that server into the mud - making performance bad for hundreds of other sites. This can be a result either of intent, or a logic error that sets an indefinite loop, or just inefficiently written code that is high-demand. We don't want to see your web site harmed, so we just do not allow such things.

Dynamic hosting and mirroring
are fundamentally inconsistent

When you start collecting information from prospects and customers, this data all has to end up in one place if it is to be useful. To give a simple example, if you have a sequential order counter, all systems would have to draw on this element which must reside in a single place because two copies would create overlap and false duplication. Thus, in a dynamic environment something mirrored must eventually point to a single place which can fail, taking down the entire environment with it.

The design approach of most companies to this problem is to mirror their static content, and then have it point to a separate dynamic server for order taking. By analogy, people can at least continue to window-shop even if they are frustrated because the cash register is broken. When the static content is present, people know you are in business, and in most cases will come back if a particular service component is temporarily unavailable.

Dynamic hosting with
Virtual and Mirrored Virtual Systems

Our Virtual Systems approach gives you a low cost dedicated environment where you can do virtually anything that it is possible to do on a Linux machine. Optionally, you can also get the unique reliability of our mirrored approach, with a MultiPathing variant designed for dynamic content. Most importantly, you get a secure environment to protect you from your neighbors, and your neighbors from you. To learn more about virtual systems, click here.