Corporate e-mail
In-house e-mail
A la carte hosting
Mirrored Web
Website developer
E-mail support
Telephone support
7x24 support
$9.95 domains
Business hours telephone support
for small business plans

We believe that good quality support goes hand-in-hand with high reliability service. This section tells you the support you can expect when you order a product with business hours telephone and chat support.

This support program lets you call us or chat live with us between the hours of 9am and 8pm, eastern U.S. time, Monday through Friday, U.S. national holidays excepted. The special business hours support telephone number will appear on your administrative setup screen. It also gives you a priority e-mail address if you prefer using e-mail for some of your questions. This also will appear on your administrative screen.

Our policy is to immediately have a human take your call, and preferably no later than the 4th ring. If your question cannot be immediately answered, we have a goal of having someone call you back within 15 minutes of your call. At EasyCo, in order to maximize customer satisfaction, we triage support calls. Calls needing less than 2 minutes of assistance are normally resolved immediately without callback even if someone with a more complex problem needs to have their assistance interrupted. Long history in customer support has demonstrated that this method reduces the cumulative waiting-in-line time of all customers, including the time of the customer that may be interrupted.

Behaviors we expect of you

While a lot of what follows is in our services agreement, we are going to restate it in a different way to be clear:

1. Please be polite. The law of our country requires that we protect our employees against any sort of abusive or threatening language from customers and others. Depending upon the degree and nature of such abuse, we have a one-strike-and-you-are-out policy that applies even if you are otherwise a customer in good standing.

Please think/read before you call. In the support trade generally, there is an acronym for the most generally disliked kind of support call. It is called an RTM call - short for read the manual. The point is that you will eventually have to read the available documentation at some point anyway, so it is better to do so before you call. By reviewing documentation early on, you will find that the total amount of time you need to solve problems dramatically goes down because important concepts will stick in the back of your head, even if you need assistance in implementing them.

If you still do not understand things, or are unsure, or if the question you have does not seem to be contextually answered by the documentation, then please call. Tech support people love to assist in such a situation because they feel they are making a "real" contribution to your success.

3. Please think/read during and after the call. A "support technician" intrinsically cannot fix your problem for you. Only you can fix your problem, because only you have access to all the tools. What a support technician can do is assist you in fixing your own problem. Depending upon your skill level, this may go so far as dictating individual procedures to you character by character, while also explaining theory so that you can apply the solution in other contexts. But the point is that while the support person may provide detailed assistance, if you are likely to encounter the same issue again, you need to master the process by learning from what the technician tells you as well as reading and learning from the documentation that the support person directs you to. There are some people who will come back to us 10 or 15 times because they have not tried to read and learn, and instead want the support people to do their thinking, experimenting, and learning for them. If you are such an individual then we will invite you to participate in another (unfortunately much more expensive program) where we provide site administration services as well as technical support.
4. Please ask for a supervisor if you are dissatisfied. The purpose of our telephone and chat support is to help you resolve your problem as quickly as possible. If you are dissatisfied or uncomfortable with the service provided, please ask to speak with a more senior individual who can more readily help you resolve your issues.

Support is to the environment administrator

Our telephone support is provided only to the system administrator of an environment. Users of the environment must call their system administrator if they have a problem, and the system administrator (who is probably you) will call us if they are unable to resolve the problem.

Operations support included

Support to our customers is of an operational nature. Thus, if you are having trouble with ftp, using our administrative tools or other software, or need assistance in setting up or supporting an e-mail user call us.

Application and hardware
support only available on a
time-and-materials basis

While we may be able to provide you with a second opinion about where problems are occurring, and save you significant amounts of time this way, our support is focussed on the services we sell. Our employees are thoroughly trained in support of these services, but are not trained to assist in fixing users' broken PCs or incorrectly installed software, Similarly, because of the myriad of software solutions, we cannot realistically teach you how to write web pages, fix broken web-page-links, or to debug a Java-script you have not properly written with such products.

While such service is available, it is outside of the scope of our standard service, and is available only on a time-and-materials basis. The hourly rate of such services will vary with the skill of the individual needed to solve your problem, but will not be less than $150/hour, with a half-hour billing minimum. We may also, at no cost, be able to point you toward independent contractors who can provide these services at lower costs, and may have the added convenience of being near you.