PC backup software
PC backup space
Server software
Local servers
Remote mass storage
Dedicated servers
Integrated solutions
If you don't want to implement it yourself,
we can provide you with the integrated
solutions you need to protect your company's data

The software: as you will see when reading about EasySave, we have the software to not only assure that PCs are backed up, but to administer the backups remotely. Similarly, our enhanced rsync technologies can take care of all of your server backup requirements.
The infrastructure: Our services include not only on-premises systems (the fastest way to restore data is always over a local net) but also robust data centers with high performance infrastructure to receive and regurgitate data quickly if needed, as well as to store it safely while in our hands. Similarly, we have the capability to turn simple remote storage into a backup server solution that can take over for your primary servers in the event of a catastrophy.
The security expertise: All that data needs to be protected, both while in transit and when locally or remotely stored. We not only provide the encryption protocols that keep the data private, but we also have the expertise, and commitment, to protect machines against hacker attacks of all sorts.
The willingness to fill in your service gaps: while we provide the resources that allow people to solve their own problems, we are a strongly service-oriented company and are also willing to provide the service components you cannot provide from your resources, or prefer to outsource.