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Copyright 2009 by EasyCo LLC

What is supported in our
basic support service?

Our core support for your virtual or dedicated server is limited to making sure that the system and services run, that the system has the specified Internet connectivity, is backed up nightly (if mirroring or archiving is ordered), and that collateral standard services provided also remain operational.

If you lock yourself out of your system, or destroy it, our support is limited to reinstalling a base virtual for you and then providing you advice on bringing data back from wherever you have stored it. If you use our optional Easy-Connect services, support for these will also be provided.

As part of our basic services, we do not provide you with support for configuration or use of anything inside the system. This means that you are responsible for the administration and support of all applications in your environment. If you would like us to provide you with support for various applications, or administration of these, please check out our applications support page.

Support is to the environment administrator

Our telephone support is provided only to the system administrator of an environment. Users of the environment must call their system administrator if they have a problem, and the system administrator (who is probably you) will call us if they are unable to resolve the problem.